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Leave a Lasting Legacy

To donate, mail your check to:
The Guernsey Foundation

1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd, Ste G

Columbus, OH 43228

Be sure to include a note if your donation is in memory of someone, and if you prefer to donate anonymously.

For more information, contact any of the trustees: Blaine Crosser, 614.406.8446

David Coon, 845.518.0732

Keith Dixon, 417.718.4434

The Guernsey Foundation funds advances in scientific and educational research in the areas of dairy breeding, technology and the dairy industry as a whole. But the question asked by many people today is, ‘What is The Guernsey Foundation and what does it do?’


The Foundation was established in 1970 from a suggestion made in 1966 that members of the American Guernsey Cattle Club (as the AGA was known at the time) might want to make substantial contributions to a Guernsey Endowment Trust to continue to develop education and research in the dairy industry and Guernsey breed. There was, and still is, a belief to increase knowledge resulting from research in all fields of dairying, particularly in the areas of dairy cattle breeding, and in finding new and expanded uses for dairy products. This is vital to the dairy industry.

In 1967 further discussion by the board of directors resulted in appointments of committee members by the president at the time, Frank D. Brown, Jr. to study the possibility of a Guernsey Endowment. The committee consisted of Dr. Harry A. Herman, Greyble L. McFarland, Jr. and Kenneth A. Brighton.

In 1968 the above committee was designated by the board of directors as members of the Guernsey Foundation Committee and Trustees establishing The Guernsey Foundation. The Foundation truly began in April 1969 with a donation from Lawrence O. Colebank.


The trustees developed the ‘Purpose of Trust’ which was, and still is today,  to devote and apply the property vested in The Guernsey Foundation, and the income derived therefrom exclusively for the advancement of education and scientific research in dairy husbandry, dairy technology and the dairy industry as a whole, either directly or by contribution to organizations authorized to carry on such charitable, scientific or educational activities. No part of the trust fund shall inure to the benefit of any private stockholder or individual.


The initial contributors were Lawrence O. Colebank, Knoxville, Tennessee; Greybile L. McFarland, Jr., Indianapolis, Indiana and Richard H. Merrit, Farmington, Connecticut. Others that donated included the George P. and Vera J. Clark Endowment from the sale of the Horse Shoe Falls Farm herd in Westerly, Rhode Island in 1973. Mrs. Ruth Dyer Wells donated the proceeds of the sale of the Gayvil Guernsey Farm herd in Charleton City, Massachusetts in 1974.  In 1978 The Guernsey Foundation became the recipient of a major endowment with the gift of the Eastleigh Farms Guernsey Herd owned by Charles P. Beebe, Framingham Center, Massachusetts. The herd dated back to the early 30s. The herd was dispersed with the proceeds to The Guernsey Foundation. Proceeds from the sale of individual animals also helped build The Guernsey Foundation over the years along with individual and association contributions in all sizes as well as legacies left through wills.


In 1996 a Guernsey Research Proposal Committee was formed to sort through projects requesting funding. At that time members included Dr. Ernie Berousek, Bonnie Ayars, Dr. John Mozier, Janet Harding Ruslavage, Dr. Dave Dickson and Neil Jensen. 


The current foundation is comprised of three people serving as the Guernsey Foundation Committee who are appointed by the board of directors of the American Guernsey Association. Vacancies are filled through appointment by the board. Committee members serve without compensation. The office of Executive Director is held by the AGA Executive Secretary. The current trustees are Dr. John Mozier, Clark Vilter and Blaine Crosser.


Thus far, research has determined that the Guernsey produces her high-butterfat, high-protein milk while consuming 20-30 percent less feed per-pound-of-milk-produced than larger dairy breeds. Another unique advantage is the breed’s lack of any known undesirable genetic recessives documented by the recent haplotype research project.


Foundation-funded research has proven that the golden color of Guernsey milk has more than just eye-appeal. The golden color is produced by high levels of beta-carotene, a proven anti-carcinogen. Guernsey milk provides 73 percent more carotenes than regular milk.


It’s Tax Deductible

The Internal Revenue Service recognizes the Foundation as an organization exempt from Federal Income Tax. This allows the Guernsey Foundation to receive contributions which are tax deductible by donors. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers or gifts assigned to the use of the Guernsey Foundation are deductible for Federal estate and gift purposes. The Tax Exemption, Federal ID number is 23-705-9684.


Help Make Guernsey History

Consider being a part of the cutting edge of dairy research with a donation to the The Guernsey Foundation. Donations of any size can be made. No matter what the amount, $10 to $100,000, it can make a difference in the advancement of the dairy industry and the Guernsey breed. Other ways to leave a lasting impact is to designate a portion of your estate to The Guernsey Foundation. Regardless of how or when, please consider supporting this entity dedicated to supporting the dairy industry and the Golden Guernsey cow!


For more information, contact any of the trustees: Blaine Crosser, 614.406.8446; Dr. John Mozier, 913.707.1245 or Clark Vilter, 262.853.4638.

Foundation History Projects

          Some of the following research projects listed below have been funded through the Guernsey Foundation. They were selected from a variety of proposals based on their timeliness and pertinence to the dairy industry.

Comparing High Solids and Low Solids Milk for Cheese

        Kansas State University 1976

The Effect of Milk Composition on the Yield and Quality of Cheddar Cheese

        Mississippi State University 1977

Johne’s Colloquium

        National Animal Disease Center 1983

Economic Impact of Johne’s Disease on Dairy Herds in Illinois

        University of Illinois-Urbana 1983

Beta-Carotene in Bovine Milk

        Public Resources Strategies 1984

Use of Linear Evaluation for Type to increase Overall Profitability of Guernsey Cattle.

Prediction of Final Score from Linear  Appraisals and Select Miscellaneous Codes in Guernseys

        Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University 1986

Corrective mating, daughter to dam comparison research project

        Kurt Peterson, Coulee Crest Farm, 1995

Determination of the Key Sensory and Physical Attributes of Guernsey Milk

          by Dr. Lance Phillips and Dr. Ann Roland of LaVic, Inc. 1997

Foaming Properties of Milk from Various Breeds

          by Dr. Lance Phillips and Dr. Ann Roland of LaVic, Inc. 1997

New Animal Type Model - 1997

 Time of Ovulation in Guernsey Cattle After the Second Injection of GnRH in an Ovulation Synchronization Program

          by Dr. Harry Momont of the University of Wisconsin-Madison 2008

Haplotype & Genomic Research Project – 2015

          Animal Improvements Programs Laboratory (AIPL) of the USDA.

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